18 Wheels of Steel Pedal to the Metal
Download Demo(92 MB):
Direct Link: http://pedal-to-the-metal.scssoft.com/PedalToTheMetalSetup.exe
Bittorent Link: http://pedal-to-the-metal.scssoft.com/PedalToTheMetalSetup.exe.torrent
Download Crack:
http://www.mediafire.com/?tmjxymyx1g7 Bu Crack %100 çalışıyor

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Bir teşekkürü hakettim artık
Türkiye Modu Download (126 MB):
18 WoS PM Turkey Part1
18 WoS PM Turkey Part2
(Rar şifresi: "HarDTruckTurkeyMap" tırnak işaretleri dahil)